**Private Message From Ralph Chapman - DO NOT CLOSE THIS PAGE**

Get Detailed Videos SHOWING You Step-By-Step How To Put Instructions Of “DIY Home Made Workshop” Into Action
Secure Your ONE-TIME Only Offer For The Entire Video Training Package

Retail Cost: $295
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HUGE 85% Discount!
Just 1 Payment of $47 Today!
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Upgrade And Get Step By Step Videos For All The DIY Home Made Workshop Plans!
Hey, it's Ralph here again with a really quick message.
Now, the number one question I get from students. Literally everybody who purchases plans from the DIY Home Made Workshop, the first thing they always ask me is , “Hey Ralph, do you have videos tutorials?”
...and for a long time I didn’t and finally, I said, “You know what? I’m going to go into the studio, I’m going to sit down…”
I spent many weeks, actually, recording the processing of building all these workshop machines and tools.
It was a grueling process. I ended up having to recreate every project multiple times to ensure every angle was right and everything was explained perfectly.
When all was said and done, I had a collection of videos which I consider to be the Holy Grail of custom workshop training...
Here's why:
It Makes Building Your Workshop Drop-Dead Simple!

The entire video package contains over 30+ full length step by step video tutorials... covering all machines, tools and jigs in the "DIY Home Made Workshop" package.
Now I can’t tell you how much better it is to have fully detailed videos of a professional doing it right.
If you’ve ever tackled a specific kind project, it’s pretty tough to get it right if you can’t actually see it being done!
I'll hold you by the hand and take your step-by-step through the entire building process. You'll follow along as though I am there looking over your shoulder, coaching you in-person.
Get it done RIGHT the very first time... without making a single mistake.
And even better… because these videos are so easy to follow... they make procrastination almost impossible. You won’t put this off because you dread reading directions.
The Total Value of “DIY Home Made Workshop Video Collection” Is $295

Listen, I sold it to my top private coaching clients (the ones who needed a new shop or custom work done). The price I charged them was $295.
And it was worth it too… given how much work it took to get it right… and how EASY it is to simply hit play and pause whenever you want vs the back-and-forth of reading instructions…
So $295 is nothing in the long run for the time and money you can save.
But I’m going to make you a special offer where you get the videos, right here on this page. It’s the only place it’s for sale right now.
What if you could get these all these videos for less than $100?
That’s what this time-limited… soon-to-expire... page is about.
In fact, it is BETTER than that.
I Want You To Have Everything For Just A One-Time Investment of $47
Why the low price?
It’s simple really.
- First off… these videos are digital, and you'll get instant access to view them online...so I’m not losing anything by offering them to you for such a low price.
- Second... I genuinely want you to be able to build these amazing workshop projects without any confusion or frustration. I want to be absolutely certain you're able to do it right, the very first time.
- Lastly... this special web page is hidden from my well-off private clients… so I can offer you these videos for a much cheaper price – without them knowing about it.
The only catch is…
You HAVE TO order it right now on this page below
Clicking “No Thanks” and changing your mind later is NOT possible.
This is the only time you'll ever get to see this offer.
And there’s no reason to say no... because just like with my other products…you'll get to

Try It Out Risk-Free For 60 Days
Now, you get 60 days to decide if you want to keep these videos.
So, here's the thing, I am so confident that you will love these videos and you're going to have the easiest time building your workshop. That's how confident I am when you watch these videos.
So you have absolutely nothing to lose because just like with my other products…there is a full 60 days money back guarantee.
Again, I want you to try this out for a full sixty days.
You don't even have to think about it right now, watch the step by step detailed videos, discover how to build the projects perfectly, the very first time... and start building your dream shop
And if you do not feel this is the best training of its kind, I want you to email me to get a full refund. That's how confident, I know you will absolutely love this treat.
This makes for a no-brainer deal for anyone wanting to SEE a custom workshop being built every tiny step of the way.
So all you need to do is click the "Yes, Add To My Order" button below.
There is absolutely no risk and I look forward to seeing you in the members' area.
Secure Your ONE-TIME Only Offer For The Entire Video Training Package

Retail Cost: $295
Get Started Today For:
HUGE 85% Discount!
Just 1 Payment of $47 Today!
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