Ultimate Small Shop & Ralph Chapman
Who Is Ralph Chapman?
Ralph is married to Pat, his wife of 23 years. He was born the "sunshine state" of Florida, but moved to Chicago 15 years ago to setup a woodworking training school.
He's obsessed with woodworking. If he's not working on new projects, he's teaching and coaching students in various classes.
He created Ultimate Small Shop to share his knowledge on setting up workshops for aspiring woodworkers.
In his years of working with students, the 2 same issues keep coming up: - Lack of space and lack of funds to setup a shop. With Ultimate Small Shop, he debunks the myths you need a large space or deep pockets to setup a fully equipped woodworking workshop.
What Is Ultimate Small Shop About?
In a nutshell, Ultimate Small Shop is the complete resource to help anyone setup a fully-equipped workshop
(that can build almost anything!), without the need for a huge space or taking a second mortgage on your home.
It contains hundreds of pages of pure no fluff, step-by-step, how to instructions, advice, strategies and resources to setup shop in any space for any budget.
Together with the guide, you'll also get tool selection guides, price guides and my "secret suppliers list" - which tells you WHAT tools you actually need and where to buy them at deep discounts...

© Ultimate Small Shop.com All Right Reserved
On behalf of UltimateSmallShop,LLC I would like to say thank you for visiting us online. Our goal is to provide the #1 resource for woodworkers looking to setup their workshops.
I hope we have exceeded your expectations and look forward to providing you with whatever tools, resources and training we can in the future to help you with setting up your workshop.
Ralph Chapman
- Founder & Lead Trainer

500 N Michigan Ave Suite 200, IL, Chicago, 60611
All information on this site is provided for educational purposes only.